My Crazy Awful Beautiful Life

July 30, 2008

Lots of Stuff...

Well, I was awarded a blog award from two people the other day, Nikki and my mom!!! I was so happy!! I'll do a next post about that in a lil bit! Today I woke up earlier so I could go to the DPS to get another permit as I've lost mine and my School ID as well... luckily I am not going to that school anymore..oh yea! We are moving next to my grandparents in Red Oak/Ferris and we are starting school in Ferris on August 25th! I am so happy!! Can't wait to start it, hopefully it will be much better than the school we were in and a plus, my mom and her best friend went there and her daughter will be starting 9th grade this year and me and my brother will be in 10th! Yay to not being a fishy!! hehe!

Well, when we went to the DPS it had a school bus full of kids and the parking lot was full... so we said forget that for today, we'll take another shot at it tomorrow. We went to Archivers and Micheals and omgosh Micheals has some newer is too cute!! We got the cutest flowers, I'll have to show later, mom is taking a class atm she went back to "school" tonight! Anyways, I found a cute little kit at Archivers that I just fell in love with. When I got home I started creating!!

Well here they are so far!


1st Page

2nd Page

3rd Page

4th Page

And the 5th!

Thanks for looking calling it a night!!



July 26, 2008

Challenge #3! Color My World!

Good Afternoon!!

Well, I've been thinking about my next challenge for a few hours. I wanted it to be a bit easier as I know alot of people are busy this time of the year, so with that said... here is the next challenge!

These challenge's will start Saturday and all entry's must be completed by 11:59 P.M. CST on Friday, so if you are not CST make sure you don't get confused (trust me it happens to me alot!!!) I will choose a winner Saturday morning and I will need that person to e-mail their information. Does that seem easy enough?

Challenge Number 3:


So here it is, I am going to show you two different scraps of paper I had left over and I want you to use atleast 1 of the colors on there and atleast 1 flower.(once again, you may choose what you want to do, ATC's,a card, Layout, other altered items... etc., etc.)

Sound easy?! I hope, it was very easy and I was able to create an example for each color scheme (I guess that's the right word?)


Ok, the colors in this choice are RED YELLOW PINK AND ORANGE. You will see some black and white which can be used on your project.

Image Number 1

My Example is a CARD and it is listed below:

Number 1

Inside of Number 1

(Yes, I know it is tiny! My cutting skills weren't working with me today though! :P)

The colors in choice #2 are BLUES AND GREENS. You will see some black and white, which can be used on your project.

Number 2

My Example is a CARD and it is listed below:

Number 2

Inside of Number 2

Well I think that is it... only 50 minutes left of work!! Woohoo!! We've been soo busy today, we've done 7 rentals + other daily stuff that goes on!!!



Good Morning!

Morning Ya'll!!!

Well, I see that Challenge #2 didn't have a very good turn out, which is ok!! I know alot of people are busy this time of the year so maybe I should take a break with the challenges and bring them back later? I am still going to have another challenge and it will be in my next post, but lemme know if I should hold off on the challenges for a bit, or if I should keep doing them!!

I need to get another gift created for Ms. Ashley over at Just Scrappin for the Surprise a Friend swap... I have an idea for her so we'll see how that turns out, I'm wanting to get a few more gifts for people, but dunno if I will have time in this busy schedule. (haha yea right!) I'm thinking I wanna send Greta and Cristal something as well, but just depends on what I get done!!

Hmmm... off to think on the next challenge for ya!



July 25, 2008

Surprise a Friend!

I was able to accomplish something today at work, and this is probably all I am going to get done today!!

This was for the Surprise a Friend Swap and is for a dear friend Cherrie, I just love her work and think she is soo talented! I've known Cherrie for a few months now as I met her on KRANKIES Board (haha Krankie :P)and I know how much she loves cherry's so I decided to make her this with some of the Berry Sweet Collection from K&Company, I've always loved this collection and wish Archiver's wouldn't have gotten rid of it :(

Anyways, here it is!


I just fell in love with it, will have to make one similar for myself and they may even be good for gifts!! Very easy to make!!

Have you fellow bloggers done CLIPBOARDS before? Lemme know if ya liked 'em or not!!

I think that's it for now, I may go blog surfing for a bit though!!



Banana Frog

Good Morning!!!

Well, today I am at work, so I may get something scrappy accomplished, I need to get a few things done for the Surprise a Friend Swap going on at Just Scrappin!

Oh yea, look at what I found while surfing this morning, Banana Frog!! These little guys are just too cute!!

I don't have much going on just yet, but don't forget that Challenge #2 is over tonight at 11:59 CST!!

I'll be back later to show what I make, if I get something done that is! :P



July 23, 2008

A Little Something...

Hi there!!! How was your day?

Well, here is a little something I made today for my mom, if you saw the comp book she made the other day, it does look like hers, I totally love how she set it up! I was showing her these papers and she just loved them so I made this for her.

Here it is!


I just love the colors on those papers!!

I think that is it for the night... not sure yet though!!

Thanks for lookin'!



July 19, 2008

My Example of Challenge #2

Ok, here is what I just created for challenge #2, I made this for my parents!

Front of the Card:


Inside: (Yes, you can't read it, as it is silver writing and hard to read!)


And the Back Side of the Card:


See... You can make cards without using PP!! I inked the 1st and 2nd layers under the sticker on the card using Ruby's inking Technique!

I dunno about you, but I just love how this card turned out!!

Well, thanks for lookin' and again I hope all that participate in this challenge have fun and enjoy making your projects!



Challenge #2

Well, we made it to week 2 of my challenges, hopefully the ones who joined in on this challenge, had fun and enjoyed making their items! These challenge's will start Saturday and all entry's must be completed by 11:59 P.M. CST on Friday, so if you are not CST make sure you don't get confused (trust me it happens to me alot!!!) I will choose a winner Saturday morning and I will need that person to e-mail their information. Does that seem easy enough?

I want you to create a project(once again, you may choose what you want to do, ATC's,a card, Layout, other altered items... etc., etc.) using no patterend paper at all! You may ink you papers, paint them, you get it right? If you get stuck on this, I found a neat little idea on Ruby's blog. It works well and that is what I used on the card I am going to post below. This card isn't all that new, and I will get a new one created, but I wanted to show an example of my challenge!

So here it is, it has been posted on here before, but like I said, I just wanted to show an example!

Card 2

Well, good luck to all of those who join in and I hope you have fun!! I'm off to work on another project for this challenge!!



Challenge #1 Winner!

Well... I got to entries and I just loved both of the cards, but I could only have 1 winner.... and the winner is......

Nicky!!! If you could get me your addy I'll get your prize sent off on Tuesday!

Here is Nicky's card. You can find her blog here!

Nicky's Card

I just love the ballet slippers on this card!!!

The other entry was by Ruby, and it was beautiful!! I just loved that stamped image!!

Here's Ruby's card. You can find her blog here!


Isn't it just the cutest!!

Well, check back in a bit and I'll have the other challenge posted, still thinking on what to do!!



July 18, 2008

What I was up to today!

As I said this morning, I may or may not get something done... well I did get something done!!! Wanna see? Okies, I'll show!!

Well I had this mini album from a while back when I was entering for the Adornit Contest (TeenChix)and I had never completed it... soo now I am going to complete it and try to sell it, today I got 7 pages of it done, and still trying to figure out what to do with the other 13 pages :P

Ok, quite a few pics for ya tonight! (The pics are a little big, but I am too lazy to fix them right now!)



My Favorite Things (1st Page)


Dream Big (2nd Page)


A Friend is... (3rd Page)


Girl Facts (4th Page)


B.F.F. (5th Page)


Upclose Pic of Flower on 5th Page


6th Page (No Title Yet)


7th Page (No Title Yet)


And guess what!!! I was so happy when I saw this!! This morning I was talking to my mom about making a comp. book with a few Elsie papers I just loved! Well, she took the papers and the book and did it herself!! I kept accidently (hehe) sneaking in there and "forgetting" she was working on this book! I got kicked out a few times :(
When she handed it to me I was so happy!! It is too cute! Wanna see? Ok!

Journal Mom made

Isn't it just awesome!!!

Well thanks for lookin', I'm off to play WoW now!! May have something going on there tonight, but if not I may be back to scrappin!!



What Scrapbook Item Are You?

Hi there! I was looking on a fellow SBS' blog, Mare, and found this neat little quiz to take! You are asked a few questions and then it determines what scrapbook item you are! Well, let's just see what I got!!

You are a pair of SCISSORS!
You're cutting edge, baby! You cut through life with ease, always keeping others on the edge. You have the power to simplify things by just cutting them out. But scissors beware - you may cut some of the important things out of your life without realizing it, in your need to keep trim!

Hmm I dunno if that is all the truth, but hey I'll take it!!

So what are you? Take the What Scrapbook Item Are You quiz and see!

Well, since I'm working today I will probably get something scrappy related done, but not promising anything! Just depends on how busy or dead it is today!!

Oh, and if you haven't gone to check out Just Scrappin' you really should! There are a bunch of really sweet and lovely ladies over there and we have challenges going all the time!

I think that's it for now, I'll be back later!!


July 15, 2008

2 New Cards

Okies, Here are two new cards I just created tonight for two different challenges on Just Scrappin. One of them was for the Christmas in July challenge, which is being hosted by my mom... and which I am also late for (sorry mom!), and the other is her Ad challenge which is due by 12:00 am tonight!! and is also hosted by my mom!! I made these while watching Mean Girls!! I just love that movie!!

Well here they are:

The first one I just adore!! It is for the ad challenge! I chose to use the colors of the ad for my inspiration. (Sorry, not the best pic, lighting is kinda bad tonight)


And the second is for Christmas in July! I'm not all that happy with it, but I still like it!

Use this

Well, what do ya think? Lemme know!!

I think I am done scrapping tonight, but not 100% sure yet! We'll see!

Well, if I don't happen to come back tonight, have a good night!!

-Cait <3


July 12, 2008

My Example of Challenge #1

Ok, I made a card that represented my challenge! Here it is:


I used:

1 Flower
1 Gem (On the Flower)
1 Ribbon (Along the bottom of card)
The Inking Technique around the edges
And 1 PP
I printed out the Happy Birthday.

So all together I used 4 of the items on the list + added some of my own creativeness to this challenge!

Well, getting off work in 16 minutes so I prolly won't do anything else scrappy related today, but I'm thinking tomorrow since it's me and my mom's day off that I'll do some scrapping with her, if she's up to it!!

Thanks for looking and hope you have a wonderful weekend!!



Few pics of what I'm working on

Once again at work it is boring!! With a CAPITAL B :P Anyways, I decided to pull out my scrappy stuff and start working on an inspiration/quote/idea book type thingy! Well I found this pack of stuff I had and I have no clue where it came from...but I didn't like the colors that much for my idea so I changed them around and covered up the front of the book that came with it! I just love these bright and fun colors!! Well here are the pics I have so far.. kinda stuck at the moment!!



Just love this page:


Don't really care for this page, but hey, it'll do! (Pic isn't best quality either)


Well if you have any ideas just lemme know I'm open to ideas!!!

Thanks for lookin'

